
How to Achieve Full IT Infrastructure Visibility

Sep 8, 2020 9:00:00 AM / by Pegasus Technology Solutions

To stay competitive in a continuously evolving technology landscape, companies are undertaking digital transformation initiatives. Organizations are reworking the way they approach data center and network architectures, as well as leveraging edge computing and advanced analytics applications. 

According to global consulting firm Deloitte, companies with a high level of digital maturity are 2x to 3x more likely to see the financial benefits of increased revenue, product quality, and customer service. Unless businesses achieve visibility across their cloud, application, physical, and virtual environments, their digital transformation initiatives won’t be successful. 

Companies need a single platform to gain full visibility into their technology environment. Hybrid and multicloud monitoring delivers comprehensive visibility to organizations that want to advance their digital transformation maturity. 

Inside Hybrid and Multicloud Monitoring

Companies are increasingly taking advantage of the flexibility and agility provided by hybrid and multicloud models. However, hybrid and multicloud models add monitoring challenges to IT environments. 

Multicloud environments are multi-vendor, making them difficult to monitor comprehensively. Monitoring how private, public, and on-premises resources are being used in a hybrid cloud environment can also be challenging. 

A hybrid and multicloud monitoring platform gives your company visibility into all your cloud resources — along with applications, network, and physical infrastructure — through dashboards and graphical interfaces. Analytics can be used to monitor workloads, predict performance needs, and prevent issues. 

Risks of Not Using Hybrid and Multicloud Monitoring

Companies that lack a comprehensive monitoring solution face increased risk of outages and data breaches. Hackers are experts at finding chinks in your organization’s armor, targeting endpoints, applications, and unused or outdated platforms. Complex infrastructures are prone to failure, and outages may be difficult to troubleshoot. 

Without the right monitoring solution, organizations are forced to take a reactive approach to traumatic incidents. IT may not find out about an incident until long after it has occurred, increasing the potential damage and delaying recovery. 

The IT team may get worn out from trying to monitor the entire environment. Mitigating risk is a 24/7 job that takes focus away from the core business. 

Benefits of Hybrid and Multicloud Monitoring

Hybrid and multicloud monitoring helps companies optimize performance across the entire IT environment by taking a preventative approach to risk and allocating resources where they are most needed. 

The hybrid and multicloud monitoring platform can perform an immediate root-cause analysis (RCA) across your entire IT environment. Predictive analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence prevent downtime incidents. Automated alerts and customizable escalation chains make your company more resilient and available. 

Your company operates more efficiently by tracking interdependencies and identifying when workloads need more resources so capacity and performance can be reallocated. Cloud costs can be monitored to ensure you are using cloud resources efficiently. 

The single, holistic platform brings everyone on the team together to collaborate on solving problems. Automation takes the burden of monitoring off the IT team, allowing them to spend more time on innovation and advancing the business.

Finding the Right Monitoring Solution

Many monitoring options are available, but which one is right for your company? Your business needs to find the monitoring solution that delivers a holistic view of your technology environment. The monitoring solution should also provide the most functionality so you can optimize your environment. 

Pegasus can help your company find the ideal monitoring solution with a free virtual Hybrid and Multicloud Assessment. We have extensive knowledge of the most powerful and secure hybrid and multicloud monitoring solutions on the market today. Participants in the assessment will also get the option of receiving a personalized demo. 

Our experts have vetted and tested these platforms so we can decide which one works best for your unique environment and provide next steps for implementing a solution. We are confident that we can tailor a monitoring solution to unlock your company’s potential.

Get on the path to comprehensive monitoring. Schedule a free virtual Hybrid and Multicloud Assessment with Pegasus and earn a $25 Gift Card.



Tags: Hybrid cloud, multicloud, hybrid and multicloud monitoring, hybrid and multicloud monitoring assessment, infrastructure visibility