Advertising Industry: Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Marketing Management

Optimizing Your Marketing with Cutting-Edge Technology Solutions

Advertising agencies use every class of technology, including software, hardware, and networks. Creating and editing huge ad files requires high-powered hardware and computing-intensive applications. Fast networks allow you to send and secure those files, as well as connect to controlled collaboration solutions. When the creation process is completed, you turn to Big Data to run and analyze complex multimedia campaigns and mine client information for better targeting.

Pegasus Technology Solutions brings seasoned expertise in providing managed IT services tailored to the unique needs of advertising agencies. Our solutions ensure that your agency remains at the forefront of technology, empowering you to manage marketing efforts more efficiently and gain a significant competitive advantage.

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Pegasus Addresses the Top Challenges for Ad Agencies

From project management to networked collaboration, and from design and layout to social media, the IT profile of the ad agency is as broad as it is intensive. Pegasus Technology Solutions provides the experienced and committed expertise needed to establish and maintain the right mix of hardware, software, networks, and data.

Manage Data

Manage Data


Support Unique Business Needs

Support Unique Business Needs


Lower Costs

Lower Costs


Maintain Uptime

Maintain Uptime


Pegasus MSP Process

We deliver enterprise IT experiences for every company, including advertising agencies of every type and size. Pegasus uses a structured virtual CIO (vCIO) framework to build strategic relationships with our customers and handle standards alignment, lifecycle budgeting, client education, and new technology planning through regular Customer Business Strategy Review sessions. We have leveraged our experience with Fortune 500 companies to develop a set of standards we call our standard library.

Accredited Managed Services Provider

State-of-the-Art Operations Center with Cutting-Edge Technology

24x7 Remote Help Desk and On-Site Support

24x7 Real-Time Network Monitoring

Experienced, Certified Technicians and Engineers

Dedicated Account Managers

Easy-to-Understand, Graphical Performance Reporting

“When our backs were against the wall in a potentially devastating way due to this Ransomware attack, the Pegasus MSP Team instantly reinforced our decision to trust them with our IT. I do not hesitate to give Buck Jones and the entire Pegasus team my full endorsement. We are proud to call Pegasus Technology Solutions the Official Managed IT Provider for the Frisco RoughRiders.”

-- Andy Milovich, Former President & General Manager
Frisco RoughRiders Baseball

Why Choose Pegasus MSP

All the technology that ad agencies use requires people to keep it running. Applications need to be installed, updated, and tested to ensure they integrate with your existing software. Hardware goes through the same process. Each desktop must be expertly installed, maintained, and repaired. Networks are in the mix too as you send huge files that need to reach their destination quickly and without being compromised or attacked. Our rate of remote issue resolution is more than 90%. We reduce IT operational costs by up to 70% through predictable monthly costs and a scalable level of service.

Irving Texas

Request a Managed IT Services Proposal

We would love to come up with a managed IT services proposal for your Dallas-Fort Worth area advertising agency.